Fact Sheets

Effective Complaints Handling System

Objectives of a complaints handling system should be: picture of a smiling elderly couple

·   to provide a complainant with access to an open and responsive complaints handling process

·   enhance the ability of the organisation to resolve complaints in a consistent, systematic and responsive manner to the satisfaction of the complainant and the organisation

·   enable an organisation to identify trends and eliminate causes of complaints and improve the organisation’s operations

·   assist an organisation to create a customer focused approach to resolving complaints, and encourage staff to improve their skills in working with their customers i.e. care recipients, representatives and other contractors

·   provide a basis for continual review and analysis of the complaints handling process and the resolution of complaints.

Click to view our Proactive Complaints Handling - Fact Sheet

Important Negotiating behaviours

What is the definition of Negotiation?

·   "Trying to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion";
·   "Find a way over or through an obstacle or difficult path"

The Online Oxford Dictionary.

This fact sheet will focus on the following areas:

·   Knowing your BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement);
·   Knowing the other party that you will be negotiating with;
·   Listening carefully without interrupting; and much more
Click to view our Security of Tenure Fact Sheet

Whats in a Question?

"Good questions can shift a negotiation from impasse to new possibilities"

This fact sheet will explore how appropriately asked questions can open discussions between parties.

Questions have the ability to"

·   Direct complainants to focus on what their specific concerns/issues are;
·   Open up dialogue between parties in dispute;
·   Allows the parties to listen to the "other side" and to understand "their story";
Click to view our What is in a Question Fact Sheet

The invisible line between being Aggressive or Assertive


·   Have you ever been told by someone that you are "aggressive", when in your mind you where only stating the obvious?
·   How did you feel after this exchange?
·   Would you change your style in other similar situations?
·   Have you ever wondered what the difference between aggressive and assertive is?
This fact sheet will provide some insight into these questions - Please read on!


Click to view our Agressive Vs Assertive Fact Sheet

Communicating Assertively

Communicating assertively for some individuals comes very naturally however for other individuals they need to work at this skill.

We have been taught in life to be respectful, not to talk over others and importantly not to disrespect others. However there does come a time when we need to stand up for ourselves and say "hang on ... i disagree", this can be said in a respectful manner with practice - Communicating Assertively

For further information please email steve@proactivecm.com.au