Team Building

“We trained hard, but it seemed every time we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganised.
I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion inefficiency and demoralization”

The author of this statement is:
Petronii Arbitri Satyricon- Circa 27-66AD - A roman courtier during the reign of Nero.

Why do we get resistance to change in the workplace?

Fear of the unknown – change implies uncertainty and uncertainty makes many of us feel uncomfortable how can we ensure that our staff are kept fully informed;

Fear of failure – any change will require is to consider and adapt to new skills and abilities what assistance can we provide to our staff to alleviate this fear?

Disagreement with the need for change – staff may be of the view that change is not required, how will you take your staff along the journey for change and have these difficult conversations?

Staff may fear losing something of value – each individual staff member will need to know how any workplace change will affect them i.e. in what way and what will the benefit be to them?

Staff may need to leave their comfort zone – it is only natural for us to put off things that scare us therefore what guidance will you provide your staff if mistakes are made i.e. ensure a safe environment for all;

Immediately address any misunderstanding and lack of trust – staff will resist change when they do not understand its implications and perceive that it may cost them much more that they gain therefore open and honest discussions will need to be held to maintain and build trust;

Unclear goals - With change new goals are set this is sometimes done with the best intentions for the organisation, staff and clients. Staff may fear the new goals because it may involve learning new ways or more efficient ways to achieve these goals;

What will our session cover?

The session will cover the following:

• The continuous process of building effective teams;

• What is the definition of a Team?

• A couple of activities to generate collaborative working relationship and negotiation skills;

• Group discussion on:
- Why do you need teams?
- What do you want to achieve within your teams;
- What are the values of Villa Maria and how do these values align with our teams values?
- Why do we get resistance to change in the workplace e.g.
- Fear of the unknown;
- Fear of failure;
- Disagreement with the need for change;
- Losing something of value;
- Staff may need to leave their comfort zone;
- False beliefs;
- Misunderstanding and lack of trust;
- Inertia;
- Unclear goals;

• 5 psychological needs;

• Building effective teams;

• Why do some teams fail?

• Trust how important is it?

• 10 behaviours to generate trust;

• The difference between influencing and manipulating;

• Accepting responsibilities for your actions;

• How change may affect a team;

• Understanding different Personality Styles:
- Dominant;
- Influencer;
- Compliant
- Steady

Team Building